Tuesday, December 10, 2013

First week down

Finished my first week of rehab last week at Spero Rehab. On Monday I did a review to check my progress, they were happy such a improvement. I stll have a lot of work ahead. If it aint hurting, it aint working lol. Great staff they, they push me and don't let me get away with anything. What I need!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

PT Time

Been home for 3 weeks doing the PT exercises physical therapist in Chicago had me. After waiting, I finally got into physical therapy Wednesday.
Legs and ankles are still weak, so I can't wait to get started.  Gonig to be a long process, but I'm up for it.

Time To Go HOME

After being discharged only on thing left to do, labs on Monday.  On Tuesday we flew out of Midway back to HOUSTON.  Flying back went pretty smooth,  except for the TSA fell up.  Was wearing my skull cap, and they made me remove it,  and they didn't even check it.
After 3 hour flight, we finally made it home, and it's tine for dinner, WHATABUGER TIME!!!
How I missed my bed...

Day +10

I got my 2 am lab results back, and nurse said all my numbers were  up, and if Dr. Burt liked my numbers I could be discharged. Dr. Burt wanted the nurse to give me my nuepogen shot early, and check my numbers at 2 pm and if my numbers are good I could be discharged!
Packed my stuff, and got my PICC out finally and was discharged!
Thank you to all the nurses great care of me during the day.
Thank you to PT Crystal for getting me up and moving about.
Dr. Burt, Kelly, and Amy did a wonderful job.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day +7

Imunne system wipped out still, been getting platelets while I wait for my reboot to kick in. Today I had to receive some hemoglobin also today.  Dr Burt says I'm doing great.

Happy Birthday

October 16 2013 is my new birthday.  This the day where they give my cells back to begin the process of  rebooting my immune system.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

6 Days of Chemo

Day 1 went pretty good, till they up the rate of my chemo. Felt like my head was on fire. They slowed down the rate and gave me benadryland that made it better.
Day 2 went pretty well, minus all the peeing.
Day 4 my immune system started dropping and I was feeling wiped out and weak. Chemo messing with my eyes. Nothing tasted good and nothing sounds good to eat. Tried the chef's lunch special, it wasn't bad, till the diarrhea up at midnight. nothing imodium couldn't fix.
Days 5 and 6 lazy days aka benadryl days.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Got my PICC put in today, and will be admitted tomorrow morning for the start of my chemotherapy.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Plasma Day 2/2

This IS my last Plasma Exchange after of 4 years of them!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Loooooooong Day

My day at the hospital started at 7 a.m. Monday to get my catheter placed in. The procedure took about an hour and a half, relatively quick and painless. Then I had to go to the blood center for a blood lad to see how many cells they could havest. Since I couldn't eat or drink after midnight,  I got a break while waiting for the results,  for breakfast and a drink. I got hooked up around 11ish for harvest. The harvest finished up around 2:15 p.m.. I had to keep my catheter until I get my platelet and stem cell count back. They told me it would take 2 hours. 6 o'clock rolls around and I finally got my results,  so I finally got my catheter out, then they made wait til 6:30 befor I could go.  We got back to the hotel at 7:15 and ate then past out..
They only needed 3 million stem cells, they harvested 9.2 million stem cells from me. I guess it was worth the wait.

Monday, September 30, 2013

One Month Down!

We've been here for almost a month. Did my labs today, shots going ok. Almost time for the fun stuff!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day After

This is me for 2 days after mobilization.

Mobilization Monday

Had my my first dose of chemo Monday, went well minus having have to pee all night due to the chemo flush. The last few days I felt like crap, but I'm feeling a bit better. Start taking my shots Saturday morning at 7 am ugh.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Neuro follow up

Dr Burt had me go see Dr Allen this morning, I thought it was a follow up for all the the tests he had me do last time I was here. It turned out to be just a regular follow up visit. I got up early for this.
All and all, it was a good visit.
Monday it starts!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Plasma Day 1/2

Dr . Burt is having me do 2 more plasma exchanges. Oh joy.
They said they want to keep my straight up until I start the fun.
They do plasma exchanges a bit different here in Chicago than in Houston.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pre tests all good

All Pre Tests came back all good. I get a break till Tuesday.  Yes I have all my teeth, even tho my mom tried to get the dentist to let her try out the DRILL on me! :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 3 Pre Transplant

Today I got to go to the dentist!
Everything checked out ok.
Then went and met with Dr Burt to go over things.
Then the fun started.  Went to walgreens to get all my meds, but they sent my shots to their mail order. Nothing like spending your day at slowgreens.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 2 Pre Transplant

Today was vein check day and to how they havrest the stem cells. You get a private room when you get your cells harvested,  unlike Houston were its one open room. Nurse was very nice and I didn't have to wake up at 6am for this test!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 1 of Pre Tranplant

Day 1 of testing down. I'm wiped out. The first test was to check out my lungs were ok, 2nd test was blood draws, 20 vials of blood. 3rd was a EKG, and the last was a chest X-Ray. Went by pretty fast. The longest of all the tests, was the waiting on tests. Danny wanted to meet Dr. Burt, but he was doing clinic. Tommorrow tests don't start till 11am, not 6am, not looking forward to the 6am wakeup blood draws :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Chicago here I come!

Well we made it to Chicago, but my step dad's luggage didn't lol. Start testing Monday at 7:15am in the morning, ugh...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My New Theme Song

My Aunt found this song, I think its really fitting.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Good Luck Dinner

Had great Good Luck Dinner with my family. Even tho there is a language barrier, I  spending time with Luis and Gisela Colmenter. Didn't know I would get emotional when Heather and Ricardo Colmenter and the kids left. — feeling blessed.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Getting Ready

The journey begins Sept.9
Flight booked, hotel booked, now figuring what to pack.
This wouldn't of happen with out the support of my family and friends, I am blessed.

If you would like to help, please donate to Chad's HSCT Fund